Which Is Better? The Internet or a Beautiful Summer's Day?

"I can't go outside, there's more cat videos to watch on YouTube Shorts."

An investigation into finalizing an individual's personal choice between a world-wide computer network or getting one's lazy butt away from the computer and "For Realsies" going outside.

1. Summer's Day: Around for one season.

Internet: Around all year long.

Winner: The Internet.

2. Summer's Day: Lots of attractive people wearing next to nothing.

Internet: Lots of attractive people wearing nothing.

Winner: The Internet.

3. Summer's Day: You get a sunburn and harm your skin from solar rays whenever you go outside.

Internet: Your skin is protected from ultraviolet radiation by your parent's basement ceiling.

Winner: The Internet.

4. Summer's Day: Traditional summer camp counselors scream at you to hike, swim, climb mountains, etc.

Internet: Computer camp counselors calmly teach you how to download pirated movies, hack into your sister's blog, "find" credit card numbers, etc.

Winner: The Internet.

5. Summer's Day: Outdoor summer jobs such as landscaping, mowing lawns, and painting houses require a great deal of physical exertion.

Internet: Your indoor job of selling virtual items in online multiplayer games for real hard cash requires little or no physical exertion (beyond getting more Frito's from the kitchen).

Winner: The Internet.

6. Summer's Day: Eating food outdoors attracts annoying insects such as ants, bees, and mosquitoes.

Internet: Eating food indoors attracts the attention of your cat "Larry", who merely stares at the burrito going into your mouth.

Uhhh... I think you really need to feed Larry.

Winner: The Internet.

7. Summer's Day: A lot of people drown at the beach.

Internet: Very few people drown in their gaming chair.

Winner: The Internet.

8. Summer's Day: A lot of people are eaten by sharks at the beach.

Internet: Very few people are eaten by sharks in their bathtubs.

Winner: The Internet.

9. Summer's Day: The flowers in bloom smell nice.

Internet: The pizza you order after nine uninterrupted hours of playing "Counter-Strike" online smells so much nicer.

Winner: The Internet.

10. Summer's Day: No school during the summer months.

Internet: You post your homework on Medium.com for other people to complete via the "comments" section. You've done this since Grade 3.

Winner: The Internet.

11. Summer's Day: Having an outdoor BBQ is fun.

Internet: Your computer has never emitted a thirty foot pillar of flame due to an impatient Uncle Walter and excess "BBQ starter" lighting fluid.

Being a GenX Slacker, the above picture is a sweet childhood memory I cherish dearly.

Winner: The Internet.

12. Summer's Day: You get some quiet time by sending the kids to a two-week summer camp.

Internet: You get some quiet time when your kids get addicted to Grand Theft Auto V for seven months.

Winner: The Internet.

13. Summer's Day: You look cool paddling a canoe.

Internet: You look cooler getting WiFi on your laptop in a canoe.

Winner: The Internet.

14. Summer's Day: Roasting marshmallows over an open campfire is fun.

Internet: Flaming strangers in chatrooms by insulting their mothers is more fun.

Winner: The Internet.

15. Summer's Day: Throwing a Frisbee or football is an activity most people enjoy.

Internet: Throwing a temper tantrum in a Discord server is an activity everyone enjoys.

Winner: The Internet.

16. Summer's Day: When summer ends, winter arrives.

Internet: When your Internet access crashes, Life as you know it ends.

Winner: .....still the The Internet.

"The Horror... The... Horror..."